An Enigmatic Departure
Title: An Enigmatic Departure
In the depths of a star’s demise,
A beloved friend met his unyielding fate.
Matthew Perry, an enigma of light,
Drowned in a turbulent pool of intoxication.
Once a beacon of laughter, now lost,
He claimed to have conquered his demons,
Enduring nineteen months of resolute sobriety,
Yet submerged in a tragic abyss of deception.
Ketamine coursed through his veins,
Akin to one under general anesthetic,
As he laid lifeless in a searing hot tub,
The echoes of his past hauntingly resurfaced.
Silent whispers permeate the air,
Questions unanswered, mysteries untold,
The truth obscured by conflicting shadows,
A sorrowful ending, an irrevocable toll.
Grief surrounds us in this somber hour,
As we mourn the loss of a cherished friend,
Matthew Perry, forever immortalized,
In memories, laughter, and our hearts’ lament.
Keywords: Matthew Perry, ketamine, drowning, clean, 19 months, Friends star