The Panama Canal in Crisis
Title: The Panama Canal in Crisis
The Panama Canal, a vital artery of trade,
Now enmeshed in crisis, causing global dismay.
Ships stranded, cargoes delayed in a frustrating charade,
A disruption wreaking havoc, a colossal price to pay.
Years of neglect and wear have taken their toll,
Cracks and leaks plague the once-glorious channel.
Billions must be spent, a daunting endeavor to console,
To restore this lifeline, we must staunchly handle.
A race against time, repairs must swiftly commence,
To keep commerce flowing, restore the Canal’s essence.
Workers toil ceaselessly, repairing the damage immense,
Bringing hope to nations, bringing back reliance.
The world watches anxiously as progress is made,
Knowing the Panama Canal must be duly saved.
A symbol of unity, of global trade’s accolade,
We join hands in solidarity, steadfast and brave.