A Peril Unveiled
Title: A Peril Unveiled
At last, an awakening in the midst,
The culprit revealed, a long-held tryst.
Fossil fuels, the villain we allowed to reign,
Claiming the Earth’s health with relentless disdain.
Yet, will this declaration alone suffice?
Or are mere words incapable of paying the price?
Action is now demanded, the time is nigh,
To save our planet from suffering and cry.
Oceans rise, forests wither, and rivers run dry,
A dire clarion call, echoing through the sky.
We must unite, as humanity’s defenders,
Embrace renewable solutions, make amends, and chart new trends.
Let not politicians engage in futile debates,
Our world cannot endure such lingering hesitates.
The clock ticks while we ponder and stall,
The future awaits our choice, urging us all.
In this grand stage set, do we play the lead?
Or succumb to complacency, driven by greed?
For a sustainable world, we are all entrusted,
With each step, we shape the legacy, with each action adjusted.
Keywords: awakening, culprit, fossil fuels, action, sustainability, legacy