A Reckoning’s Promise
Title: A Reckoning’s Promise
In the land of dreams and stars did he rise,
A declaration to reshape health’s demise.
With fervor and might, a mandate held tight,
Trump vowed an alternative, a glorious sight.
From sea to shining sea, he pledged amends,
To banish Obamacare, its fate foreseen.
Oh, the fervent cries for change, the need to heal,
Yet uncertainties loom, awaiting repeal.
Promises whispered, a future uncertain,
Yet hope dances on with each grand assertion.
A canvas unfolds, brushstrokes of reform,
Will this new healthcare breathe unity’s warm?
Seeking solace, the nation awaits its fate,
The weight of decisions all in the great’s hands.
Will Trump’s alternative bloom like a rose,
Or crumble like whispers, a forgotten prose?
Still, the story unfolds, challenges loom,
A nation divided, an uncertain cocoon.
Patiently we wait, for change shall arrive,
For a new healthcare era to truly thrive.
Keywords: Trump, healthcare, alternative, promise, reform, Obamacare