Category: Age

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence

Title: The Rise of Artificial Intelligence In a world where progress thrives, The E.U. Agreement arrives, A landmark regulation, setting the stage, For the realm of Artificial Intelligence’s new age. With careful intentions to guide and protect, The Act ensures AI’s actions we inspect, Building trust and ethics, a foundation strong, For the era of smart machines to prolong. Transparency...

Gavin Newsom’s Stern Rebuke

Gavin Newsom’s Stern Rebuke Gavin Newsom scorches Ron DeSantis, For pointing out danger in Biden’s age, The Governor of California’s strongly opposed, To DeSantis politicization of this stage. Biden’s age should not be the criterion, For picking the candidate and award precedence, Instead of focusing on his long political life, Ron DeSantis used Biden’s age as a strife. Gavin Newsom...

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