Caught in the Crossfire

Caught in the Crossfire

Caught in the Crossfire

In darkness, shadows loom with dread,
Amidst the chaos of a war-fed storm.
Both sides entrenched, bloodied and sore,
A relentless dance of fire and lead.

Countless lives shattered, dreams untold,
Humanity lost amidst the raging fray.
Destruction thrives as innocence erodes,
A land divided, pain their only mould.

But even in the darkest night of despair,
A glimmer of hope flickers in the hearts.
Seeking solace amid the ashes and smoke,
Yearning for peace and an end to this war.

Yet leaders shrug, their words like swords,
Calculations blind their empathy and care.
Benjamin Netanyahu, his voice now pained,
Lamenting the heavy price his people bear.

Israel, Gaza, battlegrounds of strife,
In the name of power, humanity bleeds.
But let us hope someday, compassion revives,
And peace triumphs over hatred’s creed.

Keywords: Israel, Gaza, war, heavy price, leaders, peace

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