Fragile Borders
Title: Fragile Borders
Amidst the chaos, where borders lie,
A nation craves security, not in vain,
With every tick, a peril draws nigh,
As shadows dance like a haunting refrain.
In darkness deep, the serpent sneaks,
Through cracks and crevices, it seeks to slay,
Fuelled by Biden’s weakness, it peaks,
Our land’s integrity slowly fades away.
Silently we weep for lives unjust,
As innocent souls are caught in the fray,
The urgency ignored, the trust in dust,
The consequences of inaction start to sway.
Oh, barren borders that fail to stand,
Can we not see the danger lurking near?
For every inch yielded, a nation’s strand,
As fear and uncertainty loom with despair.
Yet, hope remains in the hearts resolved,
To fortify boundaries with strength anew,
Embrace the urgency, problems solved,
Secure the borders, protect our values true.