On the Brink of Disarray

On the Brink of Disarray

Title: On the Brink of Disarray

UNRWA stands upon a precipice, losing its way,
As funding wanes, prospects dwindle, disarray.
In February, the horizon grows grim and stark,
A fragile lifeline teeters, on the edge is parked.

Desolation ripples through the refugee camps,
Children’s laughter fades, mothers tighten their clasp.
A sanctuary at risk, teardrops mix with fear,
Hope, once resolute, now struggles to adhere.

Around the world, lives impacted, stories untold,
For the millions seeking solace, UNRWA holds gold.
But nations turn their back, their compassion restrained,
A collective responsibility, abandoned, profaned.

Children’s dreams, like flowers, wither, and fade,
Unfulfilled potential, cast into the shade.
Education, medical aid, dreams taking flight,
A future left uncertain, in the depths of night.

Let us not forget the purpose, the call to grace,
To shield those in need, from suffering’s embrace.
Let solidarity guide us, beyond borders, unseen,
For UNRWA’s mission must endure, stay serene.

Oh nations, rekindle empathy, hearts ignite,
Restore the vital funds, dispel this plight.
In unity, let us rise, their hope we restore,
And strengthen UNRWA’s message forevermore.


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