Shadows of Smoke
Title: Shadows of Smoke
In hazy skies, a crimson cloak descends,
Wildfires rage, their wrath knows no ends.
The air we breathe, once pure and clean,
Now choked by smoke, a bitter unseen.
Progress undone, our efforts in vain,
Air pollution battles, fought in vain.
A ruthless enemy, this foe in the air,
Threatening the health of those who dare.
Nature’s fury unleashed with fierce might,
Her smoky tendrils, obscuring our sight.
Yet, amidst the chaos and the despair,
A glimmer of hope, a resolve to repair.
Together we stand, united and strong,
For cleaner air, we shall right this wrong.
Let us not falter, nor bow to defeat,
In this battle for air, we won’t retreat.
Keywords: wildfire, smoke, air pollution, progress, threat, hope