Shattered Hope

Shattered Hope

Title: Shattered Hope

In the hallowed halls of justice, a decision is made,
Allowing Idaho’s ban to persist, fear does cascade.
A beacon of hope dimmed in a moment’s sway,
Rights trampled upon, as darkness holds sway.

A medical emergency, a life hanging on the line,
The Supreme Court’s ruling, an act so unkind.
Compassion and empathy seem to fade away,
Leaving anguish and heartbreak in their wake.

But we shall rise, united against this unjust tide,
Voices raised in protest, for justice we’ll fight.
With resilience and courage, we shall never yield,
Defending women’s autonomy, refusing to be concealed.

Though the road’s treacherous, hope we’ll not forsake,
In unity, our strength shall never break.
For justice, compassion, and rights that must prevail,
We’ll speak out, amplifying our rallying wail.

Keywords: Idaho, abortion ban, medical emergencies, justice, unity, hope

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