The Paradox of Plenty

The Paradox of Plenty

Title: The Paradox of Plenty

In this realm of booming stocks, a lament does reside,
From a voice that claims concern for the nation’s tide.
Yet, rich narratives unfold, their fortunes rise high,
As the common man wonders, caught betwixt the sky.

A paradox it seems, the market’s joyful dance,
For it lifts the wealthy up, in a gleeful trance.
While the working class echoes, voices strained and raw,
Does prosperity’s canvas paint dreams for them to draw?

Ah! Trump voices his concern, a rare remorse is shown,
As he bemoans the riches, the elite have known.
Yet, his words seem hollow, echoing through the air,
For his actions belie the claims, leaving many in despair.

The stock market soars, a record-breaking feat,
Yet it serves to widen gaps, furrow divides discreet.
Can we find a balance, where profits aren’t the sole gain,
To ensure shared prosperity, a vision to sustain?

Let us strive for a future, where wealth is duly spread,
Where the stock market’s triumph is not tinged with dread.
For the time has come to break free from this bind,
And forge a world where all can flourish, unconfined.

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